Cyfieithiad dod yn fuan...
Rooms are available for hire during office hours (Monday to Friday - 9.00am until 1.00pm). Hire outside these hours is at the discretion of the Council, for enquiries please contact the Town Clerk at the above address.
The Guildhall is not available for ticketed or charged events.
Local Groups within Town Council (Voluntary or Charity)
£25 per session
Commercial Hire
£50 per session
Civil Weddings / Naming Ceremonies
£300 for those living in the Town Council area.
£400 for those living outside the Town Council area.
Additional £50 for both rates for weddings held Saturdays.
Arbitrations, Special Court Lettings etc
£60 per day or part thereof for Local Organisations or Groups
£100 per day or part thereof for all other groups from outside the community.
Conwy Town Council
Rose Hill Street
LL32 8LD
Ffôn: (01492) 596254
© 2025 Hawlfraint Cyngor Tref Conwy. Gwefan gan Delwedd.